Chiropody and Podiatry in Medway
Our Chiropodist and Podiatrist team provide a wide range of high quality services including ingrown toenail removal, fungal nail and foot treatment, corns, callus and hard skin removal, toenail cutting, treatment for cracked heels, verrucae, athletes foot, diabetic foot care and advice.
We also offer advice and health checks if you find you have sore feet and are looking for some answers and relief our team can diagnose and treat a number of foot conditions. They can also perform checks on the health of the blood vessels and nerves of the foot.
To book an appointment for any of the following services or a consultation please visit Kent Foot & Ankle Clinic direclty by clicking here
Conditions treated
Hard Skin (Callous)
What is it?
Hard skin is normal skin that has becomed thickened due to pressure. This is a normal reaction to proctect skin underneath. However, it can cause pain on walking.
How is it treated?
Where skin is very thick it is pared with a scalpel blade. Thinner skin can be burred using a drill. Afterwards cream containing urea is applied to soften the area. Relief from pain is immediate.
What is a corn?
A corn develops where there is pressure. A small piece of skin is pushed upwards into the skin. Hard skin forms over the site and pain can be excruciating.
How are they treated?
The hard skin is pared away and the underlying corn is removed with a scalpel. The area is cleaned and a dressing applied to protect the area. Corns can reoccur if the source of the pressure is not resolved. Properly fitting shoes will often resolve the problem, but some people seem prone to developing corns.
Verrucas (verruca pedis)
What is a verruca?
A verruca is caused by a the wart virus and they will eventually go away on their own as the body’s immune system fights the virus. However, they are very infectious and so suffers must not go bare foot or use the same towels as other members of the household. Ideally feet should be dried with kitchen roll (separate sheet for each foot) which is thrown away after use. Verrucas can be painful and if this is so then they can be treated by paring away the skin to expose the wart tissue and applying an acid. The verruca is then covered. This treatment is applied usually twice a week. If the verruca is not painful the best, cost effective treatment is to do nothing except cover the verruca (this is thought to stimulate the body to fight the virus. It seems odd, but duct tape adheres to the skin well and seals the verruca ensuring that the infection does not spread.
However if there are multiple verrucas – called mosaic verrucas (see picture). It is most important that a doctor investigates as this can be a sign of a suppressed immune system.
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