Our Medway Osteopaths share 7 ways to move more when stuck at home

Our Medway Osteopaths share 7 ways to move more when stuck at home 

It's easy to get stuck in a rut whilst stuck at home. However, just by making a few simple changes you can help improve your physical and mental wellbeing...plus help prevent injuries.


  • Desk based : Move every hour by setting reminders on your phone - walk around the room a few times, do some squats & lunges, stretch your arms and neck. 
  • Going to the kitchen for a snack? Use the top of door frame to stretch up through your arms and shoulders holding for 10 seconds 6 times. 
  • For the home schoolers : Join in with the PE lessons or schedule in some exercise classes as a family...this not only will help motivate you but will also provide humour for your youngsters! 
  • During phone calls : Get up from your seat and take the call whilst walking around the house. 
  • Lunch breaks : Always take a lunch break and even if it's only for 15 minutes get outside for some fresh air or use the stairs for some steps ups. 
  • Home time : When you finish work, don't immediately turn Netflix on. Use this time to do some exercise to de-stress. Try Pilates, home HIIT session, gentle weights or step outside for a walk if you can. 
  • Dinner time : Whilst dinner is cooking in the oven, use this time to do a mini workout. Even if it's only 5 minutes do a HIIT session or do some strengthening exercise such as the Plank or squats. 
  • Netflix and chill : If you are spending a few house on the sofa binge watching - then each time you get up do 15 squats and the same when you come back to the sofa.